What 100 Bosses Taught Me

Fix the feedback loop to unleash creativity in your team. Let’s be honest: no one tells us how to give feedback on projects at work.  We’re not talking about annual reviews or performance updates. This is feedback – edits – changes – whatever you call it on the daily work you get paid to do. […]

Ultimate Guide to Social Images for Nonprofits – Sizes, Content, and More

Who can keep up with all the changes to social. That’s a full time job in itself. Not only the sizes, but what works and is there any way to juice the algorithm at all? Below is the up-to-date social media image dimensions and what we’ve notice working (or not working) in content strategy in […]

10 Ways to Prevent Misinformation Spread and Promote COVID-19 Vaccination

What we’ve learned from 15 years of running vaccination campaigns The Covid-19 vaccine is the most important public health campaign in decades. We must get this right. From early childhood vaccines in Washington, Colorado, and Nevada to HPV vaccination in Arizona and Texas, we’ve been working in the immunization world for a long time. In that […]

Vaccine Communication – What You Say, or Don’t Say, Matters

American Cancer Society Ad for HPV Vaccination featuring African American girl of approximately 11 years old.

Making a big impact in the 4th largest metro area in America is no small job. BC/DC Ideas was hired by the American Cancer Society to launch and manage a three year paid advertising campaign to contribute to increasing the HPV vaccination rate in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. This vaccine communication campaign was a success despite […]

Inaugural @NPBaton Reaches Halfway Mark

It’s no secret that our team loves Instagram and photos: View this post on Instagram A post shared by BC/DC Ideas (@bcdcideas) So naturally, it’s been a delight for us to host the Nonprofit Baton and watch it grow. The NP Baton is a collaborative photo project that lives on Instagram and Tumblr, and shows how […]

Misteaks Happen – Join us for FailFest 2016

Free beer and mistakes often go hand-in-hand. But on March 8, the storied combination is going to look a little different than you might expect. Triangle Community Foundation, BC/DC Ideas and Third Space Studio are delighted to present FailFest, an open-mic style event at Fullsteam Brewery for Triangle nonprofit leaders to share their stories of failure. Why? Well, we thought it […]

The Power of Empathy

Empathy doesn’t get its due as the secret to great work and a satisfying life. One of my mantras when I sit down to work is “Write from their hearts.” The key to any good communication is empathy, it is the most powerful emotion in our line of work. We use the power of empathy […]

Create Good Fills a Void for Nonprofit Communications

More Than 100 Communicators Attend Sold-Out Event Designed with nonprofit communicators in mind, the first-ever Create Good Conference was held in Raleigh, NC on Monday, March 16. Create Good inspired attendees by infusing practical learning with fun, creativity and energy. With no other communications conference of its kind, Create Good sold out weeks ahead of the event, […]

Reflections of a Creative Summer Internship

It was the first day of my early morning Advertisement and Public Relations Research class, and I was trying not to doze off as my professor talked about topics we would be covering. As soon as she began to toss around phrases like “qualitative measures” and “focus groups,” however, I began to perk up. I […]

A New Way to Talk About Teen Birth Control Options

With The Playbook, Girls in North Carolina Are Learning to Find It & Love It What if teaching teens about their long-term birth control options was fun, colorful and most of all accurate? In Gaston County, NC, a growing number of young women are taking control of their birth control choices. With The Playbook, they are […]

Teen vaccines don’t have to be complicated! It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

The Arizona Partnership for Immunizations (TAPI) is helping teens and their parents get on track with adolescent vaccines. The new vaccine awareness campaign is touting the benefits of the three vaccines needed during those critical teenage years – Tdap, Meningococcal and HPV. See all the materials at https://www.whyimmunize.org/HPV-vaccine-resources. Teens and parents get unique communications to help them […]

How to Use Storytelling + Technology to Showcase Your Nonprofit’s Work

By Shannon Ritchie, AJ Fletcher Foundation, & Dawn Crawford, BC/DC Ideas Nonprofits have amazing outcomes to share. Through digital tools, nonprofits can share these success stories with panache. The most exciting part of sharing your stories online versus in print is the ability for the content to live on past your latest batch of documents. […]

Beaming with Pride

Around here at BC/DC Ideas, we often talk about our jobs being our “work child.” We nurture it with hard work, make sure it keeps growing, and are always worried about it. So on days like today, we feel like proud parents! Our client, WithinReach & Vax Northwest, was featured in TIME Magazine for the Immunity […]

Obama #ForAll on Instagram

Call us hipsters, nerds, or whatever. We love Instagram.  Even though photos are snapped in the moment and filtered to the nth degree it feels very real. You’re getting a deeper look into someone’s life. You’re making deeper connections with them. Isn’t that what social media is all about?  Or, you can use it to mobilize an […]

Bringing Infographics to (Real) Life

When our client, Vax Northwest, asked  us to create an infographic for an upcoming event we let our imaginations grow beyond the pixels of the computer screen. The Vax Northwest team was preparing for the 50th anniversary of the Seattle World’s Fair, which was an opportunity to celebrate 50 years of vaccine breakthroughs. Unlike most infographics, this […]

4 Reasons You Should Add Video to Your Communications Plan in 2012

We’ve written about video for nonprofits before, but that was more from a technical perspective. Today, we’re going to talk about why video is a good idea to work into your communications plan. Your audience expects it The 35-and-under crowd wants a deeper connection with your organization. It’s ingrained in their DNA. That means giving them a peek […]

What Does Your Digital Graffiti Look Like?

Last night we decided to watch Bomb it on Netflix. It’s about the origins of graffiti as a movement and interviews some of the more infamous sprayers. A few things that stuck out to me. One is people’s insatiable need to comment and create. The second is there are a lot of parallels to social media. If you’re posting […]

To the Doers Come the Spoils

This will be a short and simple post, unlike most of mine. <editor’s note: this is a lie. sorry.> To have the Big Idea is not enough any more. Now you must have the Big Idea + flawless execution. This is the Big Idea 2.0 (ohhh that’s buzzy). To some, this Doer economy may seem […]

Experiences Last Longer Than Words

Campaigns have a shelf life. They are temporary by nature, replaced by the next one to come along. What can’t be changed are experiences that touch on emotions at visceral level. It’s these moments that mark you for life. I recently was lucky enough to be invited to a NASA Tweetup. Here’s my experience Everyone at […]

Pretty Please…Convincing Your Boss to Take the Plunge into Social Media

This is a guest post I wrote for my Twitter friend Nedra Weinrich’s blog “Spare Change”– enjoy! So you want to convince the boss to let you do social media for your organization. It’s something that every one who has ever engaged in social media had to do, at least once. It’s an important step because you do need […]