Obama #ForAll on Instagram


Call us hipsters, nerds, or whatever. 
We love Instagram. 

Even though photos are snapped in the moment and filtered to the nth degree it feels very real. You’re getting a deeper look into someone’s life. You’re making deeper connections with them. Isn’t that what social media is all about? 

Or, you can use it to mobilize an increasingly mobile-centric demographic for your political campaign. The Obama campaign struck gold in 2008 on social media. They’re looking to do it again. This time on Instagram with the #ForAll social campaign.

This time it’s all about getting disaffected voters, especially young ones, to the polls. It’s about inspiring action.

Real offline action.

At BC/DC we always look for ways to extend our online action into the real world. We’ve had some great results for our clients and fun side projects like #instawalkraleigh, but it’s amazing to see a movement taking shape on a scale like this using one of our favorite tools. We’ll be watching closely.

Simply Stated

One thing the Obama campaign seems to be the best at is breaking down complex topics into simple statements, whether you agree with them or not.

That makes it easy for the largest number people to rally behind the cause. In this case it’s political, but for you it could be feeding hungry families, improving public health, protecting our shorelines, or any number of causes that nonprofits across our country are working on to make our lives better.

So, what’s the FOR ALL message for your organization?