Obama #ForAll on Instagram

Call us hipsters, nerds, or whatever. We love Instagram.  Even though photos are snapped in the moment and filtered to the nth degree it feels very real. You’re getting a deeper look into someone’s life. You’re making deeper connections with them. Isn’t that what social media is all about?  Or, you can use it to mobilize an […]

To the Doers Come the Spoils

This will be a short and simple post, unlike most of mine. <editor’s note: this is a lie. sorry.> To have the Big Idea is not enough any more. Now you must have the Big Idea + flawless execution. This is the Big Idea 2.0 (ohhh that’s buzzy). To some, this Doer economy may seem […]

Experiences Last Longer Than Words

Campaigns have a shelf life. They are temporary by nature, replaced by the next one to come along. What can’t be changed are experiences that touch on emotions at visceral level. It’s these moments that mark you for life. I recently was lucky enough to be invited to a NASA Tweetup. Here’s my experience Everyone at […]

Pretty Please…Convincing Your Boss to Take the Plunge into Social Media

This is a guest post I wrote for my Twitter friend Nedra Weinrich’s blog “Spare Change”– enjoy! So you want to convince the boss to let you do social media for your organization. It’s something that every one who has ever engaged in social media had to do, at least once. It’s an important step because you do need […]

Controversy is the BEST Reason to Engage in Social Media

When I presented at the Colorado Nonprofit Association’s 2009 Fall Conference, I got a great question in my “Social Media 102: I’ve Got Friends, Followers and Subscribers…Now What” class. A participant asked, “So I work for a very controversial nonprofit, how can I convince my leadership to let us engage in social media?” I think being […]