4 Reasons You Should Add Video to Your Communications Plan in 2012


We’ve written about video for nonprofits before, but that was more from a technical perspective. Today, we’re going to talk about why video is a good idea to work into your communications plan.

Your audience expects it

The 35-and-under crowd wants a deeper connection with your organization. It’s ingrained in their DNA. That means giving them a peek behind the scenes and into the cause with video. Keep in mind that while video is expected with the younger set, video as a whole is exploding on the Internet. 71% of Americans are using online video services like YouTube or Vimeo. More and more, video is becoming a requirement in communication plans—it’s no longer an add-on. 

Bring loyal supporters and new fans deeper into your mission

You have an opportunity to actually bring your audience into the day-to-day of your cause. The key here is to show, don’t tell. Chances are they’ve heard it all before from your website or collateral material. For example, it’ll have more impact and will stay with your audience longer if you show your efforts rather than talking about it. Let your supporters see what you do and what they’re supporting.

We produced this video for Triangle Impact, where we not only had the volunteers telling us how they felt about volunteering, but actually showed them in action. In the end, we had them emphasize the end result action again.

Put a face to the cause + add emotion

People support people, not organizations. Showing your audience someone they can relate to or empathize with will help keep them engaged in the video and your cause. Never miss an opportunity to make an emotional connection with your fans, whether they’re long-time supporters or a new audience.

Kickstart your fundraising

Using some of the techniques mentioned, you can create a powerful partnership between communications and development. Some organizations, especially Charity:Water, do a great job at using video as part of both their communications and fundraising strategy. Keep in mind that your video doesn’t need to just live online. You can play it at your gala events and to recruit VIPs and sponsors into your organization.

We love creating videos for our nonprofit clients and sharing what we’ve learned with others, so I’m sure there will be more posts in the future. Let me know if there’s a specific topic you have questions on in the comments below.