What 100 Bosses Taught Me

Fix the feedback loop to unleash creativity in your team. Let’s be honest: no one tells us how to give feedback on projects at work.  We’re not talking about annual reviews or performance updates. This is feedback – edits – changes – whatever you call it on the daily work you get paid to do. […]

The Power of Empathy

Empathy doesn’t get its due as the secret to great work and a satisfying life. One of my mantras when I sit down to work is “Write from their hearts.” The key to any good communication is empathy, it is the most powerful emotion in our line of work. We use the power of empathy […]

These best practices are #forEVERYnonprofit!

That’s what we call a nonprofit rockstar moment! One amazing organization, an Indigogo campaign gone viral, and equality for EVERYONE – The Girl Scouts of Western Washington is the org to watch this week after raising $250,000 to fund amazing girl-positive programs. The Girl Scouts chapter launched the IndieGoGo campaign June 29, after one of […]

How to Use Storytelling + Technology to Showcase Your Nonprofit’s Work

By Shannon Ritchie, AJ Fletcher Foundation, & Dawn Crawford, BC/DC Ideas Nonprofits have amazing outcomes to share. Through digital tools, nonprofits can share these success stories with panache. The most exciting part of sharing your stories online versus in print is the ability for the content to live on past your latest batch of documents. […]

Bringing Infographics to (Real) Life

When our client, Vax Northwest, asked  us to create an infographic for an upcoming event we let our imaginations grow beyond the pixels of the computer screen. The Vax Northwest team was preparing for the 50th anniversary of the Seattle World’s Fair, which was an opportunity to celebrate 50 years of vaccine breakthroughs. Unlike most infographics, this […]

4 Reasons You Should Add Video to Your Communications Plan in 2012

We’ve written about video for nonprofits before, but that was more from a technical perspective. Today, we’re going to talk about why video is a good idea to work into your communications plan. Your audience expects it The 35-and-under crowd wants a deeper connection with your organization. It’s ingrained in their DNA. That means giving them a peek […]

Putting Stories in Motion

I’ve long predicted that video is the next step in the social media evolution. Customers and donors will expect high-quality videos that move them emotionally within two years. With the advent of video conferencing on your cell phone, people’s faces and voices are going to outweigh the importance of a status update. We’ll see a rise of video chatting. […]

To the Doers Come the Spoils

This will be a short and simple post, unlike most of mine. <editor’s note: this is a lie. sorry.> To have the Big Idea is not enough any more. Now you must have the Big Idea + flawless execution. This is the Big Idea 2.0 (ohhh that’s buzzy). To some, this Doer economy may seem […]

Experiences Last Longer Than Words

Campaigns have a shelf life. They are temporary by nature, replaced by the next one to come along. What can’t be changed are experiences that touch on emotions at visceral level. It’s these moments that mark you for life. I recently was lucky enough to be invited to a NASA Tweetup. Here’s my experience Everyone at […]

The Word from a Social Media Evangelist

As a social media evangelist, I praise the wonders of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Yes, I have a smart phone and I know how to use it for social good. I spread the gospel of the power of blogging and the sweet grace having an up-to-date LinkedIn profile. Most of the time I’m a patient teacher gently […]