What 100 Bosses Taught Me

Fix the feedback loop to unleash creativity in your team. Let’s be honest: no one tells us how to give feedback on projects at work.  We’re not talking about annual reviews or performance updates. This is feedback – edits – changes – whatever you call it on the daily work you get paid to do. […]

Ultimate Guide to Social Images for Nonprofits – Sizes, Content, and More

Who can keep up with all the changes to social. That’s a full time job in itself. Not only the sizes, but what works and is there any way to juice the algorithm at all? Below is the up-to-date social media image dimensions and what we’ve notice working (or not working) in content strategy in […]

4 Reasons You Should Add Video to Your Communications Plan in 2012

We’ve written about video for nonprofits before, but that was more from a technical perspective. Today, we’re going to talk about why video is a good idea to work into your communications plan. Your audience expects it The 35-and-under crowd wants a deeper connection with your organization. It’s ingrained in their DNA. That means giving them a peek […]