Raleigh Little Theatre

A marriage of art and communication for an institution in the Raleigh arts scene.

Bringing art and drama to a Raleigh institution.

For ten seasons we had the pleasure of designing every poster, postcard and collateral for Raleigh Little Theatre’s productions. Every show begins with the same thought. How can we boil this down to its essence so everyone from the general public to the theatre fan knows what the show is about.

Nearly every month we got to produce beautiful art for a beloved nonprofit in our community. A marriage of art and communication can really make a difference.

Our most enduring impact on Raleigh Little Theatre was to theme the seasons. In the past it was a collection of productions that happened in the same year. We worked with leadership to create a cohesive visual theme that carried throughout the season and gave people a reason to keep coming back for more. The beautiful art and engaging thematics continue to today and we couldn’t be more proud.