Capital Care Collaborative: Annual Report

Telling the stories of a better tomorrow for patients.

The best part of our work is getting to tell our clients’ stories.

Access to healthcare is a subject close to our hearts and the work of CapitalCare Collaborative, a project of Care Share Health Alliance, is truly making a difference in lives of Wake Counties most vulnerable populations.

Our Approach

We created this annual report theme to represent how CapitalCare’s programs work together to help their homeless and low-income clients gain access to the community programs they need to reach a healthier future.

Circle of Care

After learning more about their programs and talking with staff we put our heads together and came up with Circle of Care to add some equity around their unique healthcare approach. Their programs don’t feed someone one time, put a roof over their heads for the night, or care for their health issues in one visit. CapitalCare creates a holistic approach that lifts low-income and homeless citizens up so they are on firm footing to move forward. Individuals in  CapitalCare’s programs get the resources needed to take control of their own lives—from medical care to permanent housing.

Telling the Story

CapitalCare’s programs are very technical and complicated. They have had amazing success figuring out ways to connect to area hospitals to catch low-income and homeless patients before they slip through the cracks. When writing copy for the annual report, it would have been easy to dive straight into the wonky, jargon-laden speak.

Instead, the BC/DC Ideas team focused on the lives changed by the CapitalCare team and left the insider lingo for the program pages. Working with the CapitalCare staff, we found two fantastic clients whose stories really show the impact of the Circle of Care.

Through intimate interviews and professional photography we captured the client’s journey with sensitivity and care, but most importantly with dignity. It was important to the BC/DC Ideas team to show the clients as the strong, independent individuals that they are.


It was a privilege for the BC/DC Ideas team to get to dive deep into CapitalCare’s mission and gain an even greater appreciation for the work they’re doing every day. The annual report is a show piece of the hard work that the CapitalCare team has accomplished over the past year. CapitalCare’s Director Lisa Rowe said that after people read the report they want to give and support the program. That response to our work truly warms our hearts.