Vaccine Communication – What You Say, or Don’t Say, Matters

American Cancer Society Ad for HPV Vaccination featuring African American girl of approximately 11 years old.

Making a big impact in the 4th largest metro area in America is no small job. BC/DC Ideas was hired by the American Cancer Society to launch and manage a three year paid advertising campaign to contribute to increasing the HPV vaccination rate in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. This vaccine communication campaign was a success despite […]

To the Doers Come the Spoils

This will be a short and simple post, unlike most of mine. <editor’s note: this is a lie. sorry.> To have the Big Idea is not enough any more. Now you must have the Big Idea + flawless execution. This is the Big Idea 2.0 (ohhh that’s buzzy). To some, this Doer economy may seem […]